
Saturday, November 25, 2017

A letter to the editor of a daily by Mahd Ahmed Fayyaz of class GCE O' Levels

Subject: Role of Science and Technology

Dear Editor,

Through your esteemed paper, I would like to notify that science and technology have had a very positive impact on us and have played a major role in our life. No one can refute the fact they have changed our lives in many aspects. In the past, the minutest tasks would take a long time, but technology has given us the luxury of convenience. For example, in the past, it would take us to get from one place to another, which now air travel has reduced that to hours. One can reach one’s destination, no matter how far it be, within the same day as one started.

Relaying messages over large distances was a problem of the past. Now, all it takes is a click. Science and technology has contributed to the development and advancement of our civilization.

Being a Pakistani, our country is far from being advanced and that is because of the negligence of the concerned authorities. Our country is busy trying to persuade foreign corporations to establish plants locally while our neighbors continue to produce twice as much merely by utilizing their local industries.

Seeing this, we must emphasize on bringing technological advancement to our country, so that we may stand on our feet and emerge as a different nation – a nation to be admired.

Yours truly,
Mahd Ahmed Fayyaz
O’ Levels 2nd year

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