
Sunday, January 12, 2014

'Influence of Increased Advertisement on Young People' - By Sohaib Zahir of O' Levels Final Year at PakTurk International Schools, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad

Advertisement today is a multi-million dollar industry that has expanded hugely in the previous 20 to 30 years. Although the industry has brought many benefits to society in the sense that it has created innumerable breadwinners for poor families, advised people rightly, and so forth; however, in the world where every other young boy who has just experienced his period of having zits or has got a gimmick of his own or is connected with the whole globe round the clock is surrounded with all sorts of luring advertisements which could get him into a lot of fuss.

Ever since the monstorous expansion of advertisement in the world, newer and newer methods of advertisement are being innovated, which is why currently from a taxi driver to steel mill owners, everyone is indulged in advertising. In such a society, a youngster is enormously influenced by the advertisement and marketing industry. Their way of thinking, their decisions, their likes and dislikes are mostly determined by tempting advertisements that make them go for the same. And this usually ends up with a waste of their precious resources.

Secondly, advancement in the advertisement industry has motivated conmen to enhance their methodology and to be more technical. They have succeeded so far and will keep on enhancing.
Lastly, with such huge increase in the advertisement world, people have a tendency to shop more often than not. This growth in the trend results in an excessive waste of money and implant on our youth the image that shopping is a sign of social status and it must be done to blend in with society.

I have observed all this happening at an alarming pace, and have concluded that young people are really influenced by advertisement which is why they waste time, money, and end up being scammed by the industries ruling the advertisement world.

Sohaib Zahir
O’ Levels Final Year
PakTurk International School
Chak Shahzad Campus,

Sohaib Zahir

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